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Global Social Innovators Forum (GSIF)

Ms. Penny Low has created The Global Social Innovators' Forum (GSIF), an exceptional gathering of global leaders in business and public sectors, visionaries, innovators, and changemakers from around the world, all convened with a common purpose: to catalyze positive social innovation and social impact. 

GSIF is not only a platform to drive thought leadership in social innovation, cross-pollinate ideas and catalyze collaboration, but it is also a platform that hosts social enterprise accelerator programs in collaboration with prominent organizations like McKinsey and Accenture, and a global platform to honour SIP Distinguished Fellows and SIP Fellows, successful leaders who have used their own influence to do good and do well, serving as role models in society. 

Past SIP Distinguished Fellows include H.E. Mr S.R. Nathan, the 6th President of Singapore; Rob Walton, ex-Walmart Chairman; Jet Li, famous actor and philanthropist, amongst many others luminaries.

At GSIF, the driving force is the belief that social innovation can be a powerful catalyst for addressing the world's most pressing challenges. It has inspired numerous individuals to embark the journey of social entrepreneurship, with many becoming very successful. 

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